Friday, May 27, 2011

Day Four

I thought it might be interesting to look back and see how long the Casey Anthony trial lasted.  So, today is day four.  A short rundown of the case ... Casey is accused of killing her daughter Caylee in 2008.  The trial is HUGE for Orlando because this is where Casey and Caylee lived and where the events took place.  It is scary to me because a lot of the places they refer to are near us/we have been to.  I have been watching the case when I have been home and it's surprisingly boring.  I like to learn all the legal terms though!  Of course I told Will my opinion and he asked if I was waiting for fireworks.  I'm not sure what exactly I'm waiting for ... the sentence I guess!

Another thing I think is scary is who they are questioning.  The second day they questioned Casey's ex-boyfriend's old roommates and one of the roommates ex-girlfriend's.  Today they questioned a guy that had a 4th of July party in 2008 that Casey attended.  It's scary to think a "random" person you meet might someday be on trial for murder.  I will keep watching as best I can and see how long this thing really lasts.  

Six Months

I cannot believe it's already been SIX MONTHS of marriage for Will and I.  I am so happy to have married my best friend and cannot wait to spend many many more years with him.  I thought I'd list six things I love about him.  Some are serious and some are silly, but things I love nonetheless ...

1.  He puts up with me, no matter what. 

 One of our first pictures, 2006

2.  He goes to the grocery for/with me and cooks dinner.  A lot.

 A fraternity formal, New Orleans

3.  He is an amazing provider for me (and Brock).  And will be for our children ... one day.

 Summer 2007.  Will life-guarded so he was very tan!

4.  He always lets me choose the channel/show we watch and almost never complains about what it is.

 Summer 2008

5.  He comes from a loving family and continues to show me that each day.

Wedding day, November 27, 2010!!

And 6.  He listens to me complain, gossip and vent.  Listens patiently (although sometimes I wonder if he's even listening ;)).

Tacky sweater party, Orlando, December 2010

On the way to L's reception, April 2011

It has been an amazing six months and I love my husband more than words can say.  I am so thankful that God put such an amazing man in my life and that he continues to bless us.  I do not know what I would do without such an awesome husband/best friend/provider!  I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us and I look forward to seeing that unfold.  Will, thank you for being amazing and I look forward to exploring life with you!!

On a different note, we are traveling to Alabama today to stay with Will's family for the long weekend.  We are SO excited to see his family and are looking forward to a fun weekend!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Handy Hubby

A while back, I talked about the tornadoes that went through my parent's area in Tampa  (check it out, Stormy times).  I also mentioned their deck was one of the two things damaged at their house and had a huge branch through it.  I forgot to mention that my handy hubby helped fix the deck.  I didn't get a picture with the branch still in the hole (I think he secretly didn't tell me he was working so I couldn't get my camera out) but I got a few towards the end of the fix.  I never knew how handy he was until this ...

 From my phone, but you can tell how big the hole actually was here!

 Daddy finally has another male to bond with!

Can't wait for a house one day to see all the handy things he's capable of :)

Fun Weekend!

Since I was in Tampa all week, I was eager for Will to get in town Friday night.  I was at dinner with some girl friends and he joined us (along with E's boyfriend) after dinner for some drinks.  Hula Bay is an amazing restaurant on the water near my parent's house and they have live music at nights on and the weekends.  We had lots of fun!

Will and I went to the beach Saturday and Brock stayed at my parent's house.  Since there are no grandchildren yet, Brock fills in!  I got two picture messages Saturday while we were gone ...

He obviously wasn't missing us!

We enjoyed the beach and love to know that Brock is being spoiled at home.  We didn't quite have our usual view of the beach and gulf since the building is being repainted.

Sunday night, we had family to dinner.  It was mostly to celebrate my two cousin's high school graduation.  My dad's side of the family is HUGE (he's one of nine children) and we are always celebrating a graduation, engagement, wedding, birth or something.  I love my family and am so happy we are all so close!  I got a cousin picture and one of Will and I.  Working on my picture taking skills!

 A little blurry

 Some of the cousins on my dad's side!  The twins are the ones graduating (on both ends).

Just some of what's been going on around here!  This Friday marks six months of marriage AND we are taking a long weekend to visit Will's family in Alabama.  Super excited!

Week in Tampa

I got to spend last week in Tampa "babysitting" M.  My parents were out of town for the week and I stayed with M and worked at my mom's shop.  It was a fun week and I was lucky to spend it in Tampa.  I did miss Will but I go to hang with M and some of my high school friends!  Since M is 16, she doesn't really need to be babysat but doesn't need to spend the week alone.  So I got to hang out with some friends Thursday and Friday night, along with dinner and a movie another night.  My sweet friend T also hung with me at work most days.  I did miss Will but REALLY enjoyed the week!

Queen's Ball

Life has been busy around here and it's going to get busier the next couple of weeks!  Last weekend we were in Tampa for my friend, M's, Queen Ball (May 14th).  It's all related to Gasparilla, which is a celebration similar to Mardi Gras that is held in Tampa at the end of February/beginning of March ever year.  There are many other festivities that have to do with Gasparilla throughout the year, including this one.  There is always a "court" with a king and a queen and M was queen this year.  I LOVED spending Saturday night with some old friends and it was SUCH a nice party! 

 Queen in the middle!

The ball was at M's mother's horse farm outside of Tampa.  It was beautiful!  They built a pirate ship (back to Gasparilla traditions) and had a dance floor, band, bar and lots of yummy food, all in the pirate ship tent.  It was such a nice party and Will and I were so happy to be a part of it.  

On the way!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Yesterday, we celebrated Mother's Day in Tampa with my immediate family and my extended family.  We celebrated my mom at lunch with Five Guys and an afternoon by the pool.  Just my type of celebrating!  I could not have asked for a better mom and consider her my best friend.  I call about anything and everything and we talk multiple times a day.  Thanks for being so wonderful all these years!  I hope to be half the mom you are one day :)
I am so embarrassed to say I don't have a more recent picture of my mom and I.  This is from like four years ago!  I will have to work on taking more pictures with such an important person in my life!!

For dinner, my grandmother, uncle and three cousins (and one cousin-in-law) came over.  We honored my 84 year-old grandmother who is still as fabulous as ever.  We didn't really do presents but we all gave a memory of growing up with her.  It was a fun night to say the least!
 My sweet grandmother and I last summer.

And I cannot forget my mother-in-law, K.  Even though we weren't with her yesterday, we thought about her throughout the day.  She is amazing and I am so blessed to have such a loving MIL.  
 Will and his mom at a wedding last summer.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Posts

Make sure to read TWO new posts below!  I'm trying to keep up with this thing :)

L's Wedding Weekend

Last weekend, we headed to Jacksonville for my cousin, L's wedding.  She met J while studying abroad in Ireland and they fell in love!  It really is such an interesting story and they have been waiting a long time for their wedding.  They had to fill out tons and tons of paperwork and get the right "cards" and such for J to be allowed to move to the country and get married.  They both looked so happy and are enjoying a fantastic honeymoon!  

We headed up to Jacksonville Friday after work.  When I say "work," I mean subbing for me :)  We got to Jacksonville in time to have dinner with my family, both sisters, parents and uncle and his girlfriend.  Then we went back to the hotel for a cocktail party.  There was such nice weather Friday evening so the outside party on the river was so pretty. 

Saturday Will and I got a chance to go to the beach with Will's friend J.  We were only there a short time but it was nice to catch up with J, who went to college with Will and I and was in our wedding.  Then we booked it back to the hotel, got ready and went to the wedding.  The church was SO pretty and the ceremony was really nice.  L and J seemed so calm and happy!  After the traditional K/P extended family photo, we headed to the reception at the Cummer museum.  

The museum is a pretty art gallery on the river.  It was so nice and we spent the majority of the night outside.  

 Beautiful church and ceremony!  Such a happy couple!

 My sisters and I before the reception.

Will and I before the reception!

Sunday we enjoyed a brunch at my aunt and uncle's house and came back to Orlando.  We had to leave early enough to get Brock from the boarders.  He did great with his cone and stitches and we have left the cone off since.

Just for fun - the L/P picture from our wedding!

Easter 2011

Things have been pretty busy around here and I just realized that I missed two weekends of fun!  We headed to Tampa for yet another weekend and had so much fun!  Saturday Will and I went to the beach to relax.  Side note - Our sweet Brock was neutered the previous week and we had a terrible experience with the SPCA (to say the least).  If you have a dog that you are thinking of taking to the SPCA for ANYTHING at all, don't do it.  We were told Brock's procedure would be $95 and in the middle of surgery, we received a phone call while he was open on the table, saying he needed something else done and it would cost a total of $245.  It was something he needed so we obviously agreed but it was NOT handled appropriately by the SPCA.  He was totally fine afterward and is doing perfect now, but it was somewhat traumatic for me.  Moving on ...

Will and I enjoyed a nice day at the beach Saturday and an even more beautiful day Sunday.  We went to church with my parents and younger sister, M, Sunday morning.  We had a wonderful breakfast and then an egg hunt.  Yes, an egg hunt.  It's true that I am 23, my younger sister is 16 and my dad is well, older.  We did indeed have an egg hunt!  It's a tradition we've had for years (thanks to my sweet mom) and we're still enjoying it.  Gotta do that before any grandchildren are involved ;)

 Before church, rather bright ha!

For dinner, my grandmother, my uncle, L, and two cousins, M and J, came over.  I love when everyone is together and that's one more reason I LOVE living so close to home.  I am really really trying to get better about taking pictures!