Sunday, September 25, 2011

BAD BLOGGER but Good News

I haven't posted in OVER A MONTH!  That definitely makes me a bad blogger in the blog world!  I have been more than tired & things have really changed in our little home.  I know I told y'all that I was a kindergarten aide but 8 days into the school year, I was on the way to recess with my sweet babies and was pulled into the head of school's office.  I was IMMEDIATELY moved into a third grade room and have been there ever since :)  SOOOOO


It was a rough couple of days adjusting since I missed preplanning and whatnot but I absolutely love it now.  It is so rewarding and tiring and amazing and exciting and exhausting at the same time.  I love love love my team and we are having so much fun surviving with the changes we've been through.  Third grade has already taught me so much and I honestly enjoy going to work everyday.  

So, please excuse my MIAness.  I think I have a pretty good reason :)  Now, I'm off to walk Brock, have some breakfast and shop for some Halloween and Fall goodies!  Happy Fall Y'all!